“We should
meet abuse by forbearance. Human nature is so constituted that if we take
absolutely no notice of anger or abuse, the person indulging in it will soon
weary of it and stop.”
I cannot
agree with Gandhi’s statement that an injustice may stop taking place by simply
ignoring the one committing the injustice. That seems to me too much like a
matter of ostrichism… the pushing of your head into a hole in the ground,
preventing you from seeing what goes on around you. Now doing that will not
eradicate any dangers from taking place.
My reference to abuse, in this discussion,
will refer to the use of anything or anybody for a purpose for which it was
not intended to be used for. Wikipedia correctly defines abuse as the improper
usage or treatment of a thing, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. So,
if you use the butter knife for loosening screws, then you are literally
abusing that knife. Aldo Leopold said that the reason why we abuse land
(nature) is because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. Only when we
see land (nature) as a community to which we belong, then we may start to treat
it with respect and love. Is this not true for all objects, inanimate and
Is there any normal relationship that is built on
a foundation of abuse? NO! Abuse begins when you start to consider your
partner, friend, neighbour, or whatever as a commodity, as something having
utility value, and not anymore as a part of the community to which you belong.
Abuse will not stop by ignoring it, learn to respect and appreciate everything
in life.
There is no justification, nor
any excuse
for any form of abuse.
So here is my final comment,
abuse is something I can never defend.
for any form of abuse.
So here is my final comment,
abuse is something I can never defend.
b * a
∞ -------------------------------------
Ek kan hierdie keer nie met Gandhi se stelling
saamstem nie. Van wanneer af het die ignorering van ‘n probleem, die probleem laat
ophou? Dit klink vir my te veel na ‘n kwessie van volstruisisme… wanneer jy jou
kop in ‘n gat druk en dink dat net omdat jy niks sien nie, dit sal weggaan en nie
meer daar is nie…
My verwysing na mishandeling vandag, sal
verwys na die gebruik van ENIGE objek met die doel waarvoor dit nie gemaak is
nie. Wikipedia definieer die konsep mishandeling as die onvanpaste gebruik of
behandeling van iets, gewoonlik ten einde ‘n onredelike of onvanpaste voordeel
daaruit te kry. So, wanneer jy die bottermes gebruik om skroewe los te draai, mishandel
jy die bottermes, en net so met die slaan van ‘n vrou of die uitbuiting van die
Aldo Leopold sê dat die rede waarom ons die
natuur mishandel, is omdat ons dit beskou as ‘n kommoditeit wat aan ons
behoort. Slegs wanneer ons die natuur as ‘n gemeenskap sien waarvan ons deel
is, dan sal ons eers begin om dit met respek en liefde te behandel. Is dit nie
so waar van ALLE objekte, lewend of nie-lewend nie?
Daar is GEEN normale verhouding wat op
mishandeling gebou kan word nie. Mishandeling begin wanneer jy jou vriend, vriendin,
kinders, bure en lewensmaat as ‘n kommoditeit beskou, iets wat ‘n
nuttigheidswaarde het, en nie as iets/iemand wie deel van die groter gemeenskap
van die lewe, met sy/haar eie intrinsieke waardes nie. Mishandeling sal nooit ophou
deur dit te ignoreer nie, so kom ons leer om mekaar se intrinsieke waardes te
respekteer en dit deur te trek na dit wat ook die natuur insluit.
Daar is geen regverdigheid of
vir enige vorm van mishandeling nie.
As jy daaroor stilbly is seerkry jou beloning,
so moet nooit daaroor die mond snoer nie.
vir enige vorm van mishandeling nie.
As jy daaroor stilbly is seerkry jou beloning,
so moet nooit daaroor die mond snoer nie.
b * a
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