love of learning, the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of books.”
Wadsworth Longfellow
Maybe I
can get you today to reach out for a book and get you to read something noteworthy
again. Maybe you are a reader, and that this discussion reminds you of that and
of the fact that you have not read something for a while. Hopefully, you are
like Thomas Jefferson who said that he cannot live without books. Whichever is
the case, it is from books, says Victor Hugo, that wise people derive
consolation in the troubles of life. Oprah Winfrey said that books were her
passport to personal freedom. She said she learned to read at the age of three,
and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that reached far beyond
the farm where she grew up. You will not grasp the value of books if you have
not yet lost yourself in the pages of a well-written piece of literature. It is
through reading that you expose yourself to new things, new information, new
ways to solve problems and new ways to achieve things. Reading will also help
you to form a better you, and in the process of reading, you learn much from
other people’s experiences. In this regard, I prefer biographies and non-fiction
above any novel (excluding the classics, of course). Books are so diverse, and as
Sir Francis Bacon said, some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,
and some to be chewed and digested. Delve into a good book, make time for that,
and remember, the wise man reads both books and life itself.
Good friends and good books,
and splendid meals from good cooks.
ah! That is the ideal life.
Free of unnecessary strife
ah! That is the ideal life.
Free of unnecessary strife
b * a
∞ -------------------------------------
liefde vir leer, die afgesonderde hoeke, en al die soete kalmte van boeke.”
Wadsworth Longfellow
kan ek jou vandag oortuig om weer uit te reik na ‘n insiggewende boek en jou
weer aan die lees te kry. Miskien is jy ‘n gereelde leser maar het, as gevolg
van die gejaagde lewe, die leeswerk bietjie afgeskeep. Hoe dit ookal sy, vandag
se bespreking is juis daarop gemik om daardie flikkerende vlammetjie weer
helder te laat brand. Hopelik is jy ook in die klas van Thomas Jefferson wie
gesê het dat hy nie sonder boeke kan lewe nie. Dit is uit boeke, sê Victor
Hugo, dat wyse mense vertroosting vind in tye van swaarkry. Selfs Oprah Winfrey
het eens gesê dat boeke haar paspoort na persoonlike vryheid is. Sedert sy op
die ouderdom van 3 begin leer lees het, het sy gou ontdek dat daar ‘n hele
wêreld is wat buite die grense van die plaas lê waarop sy grootgeword het, en wat
verower kan word. Jy sal nie die waarde van boeke begryp as jy jouself nog
nooit verloor het in die bladsye van ‘n wel-geskrewe stuk literatuur nie. Dit
is deur lees dat jy jouself blootstel aan nuwe dinge, nuwe insigte, nuwe
informasie en nuwe maniere om probleme op te los en mylpale te bereik. Deur te
lees sal jy ook ‘n beter JY skep, veral deurdat jy, in die leesproses, so baie
kan leer aangaande andere se gedrag, optrede en lewenservaringe. Dit is waarom
ek persoonlik biografiese en nie-fiktiewewerke verkies bo enige ander stuk
prosa (behalwe natuurlik vir die groot klassieke werke). Boeke is so divers, en
dit is soos Francis Bacon sê, sommige boeke moet net geproe word, andere moet
ingesluk word, en andere moet weer gekou en dan verteer word. Doen jouself dus
die guns en verloor jouself weer in ‘n goeie boek. Maak tyd daarvoor en onthou,
die wyse persoon lees beide boeke en die lewe.
‘n Goeie vriend en ‘n goeie boek,
Wie sal dan na beter soek?
Dit is inderdaad die ideale lewe.
Iets waarna ons almal kan strewe.
Dit is inderdaad die ideale lewe.
Iets waarna ons almal kan strewe.
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